"Koinonia" is a Greek term which means "communion or fellowship." What began in 1973, as a class for young adults is now one of the longest-running Sunday School clases at Dyersburg First United Methodist Church. While we still like to think of ourvselves as "young adults,' the average age is around 65. From the beginning of Koinonia, two requirements for membership have been in place: (1) Class members must be married, single or divorced and (2) One must attend at least once.
Koinonia meets in teh Conference Room of the church, making our classroom not only handicap-accessible but close to the coffee, cookies and restrooms.
Our teachers are usually committed to teaching for a full month, and several class members volunteer to teach throughout the year. Additionally, others outside our class are asked to teach so that there is a broad spectrum of teachers who share their love for Christ with us. Lessons cover a broad range of topics from contemporary living to United Methodist beliefs and practices to the study of biblical history. Recent lessons have been based on materials from authors James W. Moore, Adam Hamilton, Max Lucado, Maxie Dunham and bible study lessons.
Koinonia supports and participates in several ministries of our local church, the larger connectional church and our local community. In the local church, we provide support to the Youth Minister, help serve meals at Salt and Light, which is the church’s Wednesday evening activity, work in the assistance program to help individuals in the community with financial support and groceries. We also provide support to Reelfoot Rural Ministries, a mission program of the Memphis Conference of The United Methodist Church. In the local community, Koinonia participates in the Salvation Army’s fundraising project at Christmastime and provides financial support for food baskets provided by the local Kiwanis Club. Working with the local school system’s resource officer, we adopt a family at Christmastime and buy gifts for the family members. Providing snacks for the ICU waiting room at the local hospital and preparing lunches for the New Life Union Mission Camp are other ways in which we help our community.
Please feel welcome to join us this Sunday.