Beliefs and Values

The heritage of our Faith

As a United Methodist church, we are  part of the second largest denomination in America, a denomination that has churches in almost every city in the country and that is a footprint of mission and ministry around the world. Dyersburg FUMC has been actively serving Christ and this community for 175 years.

We are a church centered in the mission to help people come to know, love, share and serve Christ and in so dong, we love God above everything and love our neighbor as ourselves. We believe this is most likely to happen when we focus on the following areas:

Intentional Discipleship

Discipleship is the heart of Christ's Church. thus, we focus a lot of energy on helping every disciple of Jesus grow his or her faith in and love for God and love for neighbor. While the work of our hands is most visible to others, we know that behind that work is a deep and profound faith driving it. We believe that if we do discipleship well, others will (1) "know" Christ deeper; (2) find that the life we live and the way we worship, illustrates that we "love" Christ, (3) out of that knowing and living, they begin to "share" Christ more, having a "contagious" faith; and (4) see that helping others is how we "serve" Christ.

Corporate Worship

We believe that worship is the ultimate expression of our faith. Vital and meaningful corporate worship is the Church at its best and the life of individual followers at their best. We believe that a disciple of Jesus is one who sees his or her own life as being about glorifying God.

Personal Practices

We believe that disciples are those who willingly choose to "discipline" their lives in a particular way. This includes our investment in the study of Scripture, reflecting on how the Bible leads us to pursue what Jesus described as "life to the fullest,' as well as our devotion to a consistent connection to God through prayer.

Generous Living

We believe the story of faith is built on the foundation of a God who loves and a God who gives. Therefore, we see generosity as a primary mark of the disciple of Jesus. This includes the sharing of who we are and what we have--our time, our talent, our treasures--for the sake of serving God and others. We believe God has called us to be a blessing to our community, our region and world.

Healthy Relationships

We believe that a key to joy in our lives is through relation sips. A stronger relationship with God always leads us into stronger relationships with other. Investing ourselves in one another through small groups and other community activities helps us mature toward more meaning in all relationships--marriage, parenting, friendships, colleagues at school or work.

A final word

We believe the Church is at its best when the doors are open to all who wish to explore the most important issues of faith and life. Wherever you are on your journey, regardless of where you fall on the deep questions, of faith, our community is open to you.